Tajweed Rules for Kids (Children) at Qiratul Quran Institute

Tajweed Rules for Kids (Children): Learning proper recitation (Tajweed) of the Holy Quran is an integral part of studying the Quran, especially for children. At Qiratul Quran Institute, we focus on engagingly teaching kids essential Tajweed principles so they can master Quran recitation. This article will discuss basic Tajweed rules, how to teach them effectively to children, and why learning Tajweed is vital for every Muslim.

Tajweed Rules for Kids (Children)
Tajweed Rules for Kids (Children)

How to Teach Kids Tajweed Rules

Teaching kids proper tajweed or Quran recitation rules from an early age ensures they learn to recite the Quran correctly. Here are some tips for teaching tajweed rules to kids effectively:

  • Start with basic rules like makharij (places of articulation when pronouncing Arabic letters) so kids can pronounce letters correctly. Use descriptions, pictures, and activities.
  • Break down rules into easy steps. Build up from letter sounds to words, phrases then full ayahs. Take it step-by-step.
  • Make it engaging using activities, games, quizzes, and repetition. This keeps kids interested to learn.
  • Use technology like audio/video clips for them to see and hear proper tajweed. This facilitates correct learning.
  • Encourage and give positive feedback when kids apply rules accurately to build confidence. Gently correct mistakes.
  • Make it fun! Use rewards, charts, and competitions to motivate kids to learn tajweed rules properly.

What are the Basic Tajweed Rules

The basic tajweed rules kids need to learn first are:

Makharij – Points of Articulation

  • Learn the proper makhraj or point of origin of sounds for each Arabic letter from the throat, tongue, lips and nasal passage.

Ism-ul-fam (Familiarization)

  • Getting familiar with letter sounds e.g. un (عَ), laam (ل), raa (ر).

Ghunnah – Nasalization

  • Applying ghunnah or nasal sounds when needed e.g. madd letters.

Madd letters

  • Pronouncing madd letters with elongated vowel sounds – 2 counts (madd tabeeiee) or 4-5 counts (madd Aarid lis-sukoon).

Mastering these categories builds the foundation for kids to learn further advanced rules.

The 4 Key Tajweed Rules

The 4 main Tajweed rules kids (Children) must know are:

1. Makharij – Correct pronunciation of letters

  • Pronounce every Arabic letter sound from the correct point in the mouth and throat.

2. Madd – Lengthening certain letters

  • Pronounce madd letters with extended sounds for 2-5 counts depending on the rule. Observe and apply all madd rules properly.

3. Ghunnah – Nasalization

  • Apply ghunnah or insert nasal sound when needed e.g. when pronouncing nuun saakinah or tanween.

4. Qalqalah – Vibration

  • Pronounce letters with qalqalah or slight echoic vibration when sakinah meets certain letters. Main qalqalah letters are qaf and taa.

Applying the above 4 rules consistently helps perfect tajweed and accurate Quran recitation.

Most Common Tajweed Rules

Besides the 4 foundations, other very common tajweed rules kids must grasp are:

  • Ikhfaa/Idghaam – Merging the same letters that meet e.g. mutajanisayn, or dropping noon/meem saakinah into the letter before it.
  • Iqlab – Changing noon saakinah into meem when followed by ba.
  • Izhar/Idghaam with Ghunnah – Pronouncing letter clearly or merging it depending on the rule but always applying ghunnah to nuun/tanween saakin.
  • Applying correct stops – WIQAYAH like meem sakinah or qasr for saakin letter meeting non-sakin same letter.

Mastering the application of these common rules takes students to higher levels of tajweed accuracy.

How to Perfect Tajweed Rules Best & Easy way for kids (Children)

To perfect tajweed, students must:

  • Learn all the core advanced rules beyond the basics step-by-step.
  • Get quality instruction from experienced, qualified teachers.
  • Ensure they fully understand how/why rules apply.
  • Commit to always applying rules consistently when reciting.
  • Recite a little Quran often daily to train their tongue.
  • Self-evaluate and correct mistakes while always seeking improvement.

With quality instruction and regular dedicated practice, students can perfect tajweed over time in sha Allah.

Tajweed Principles

The core Tajweed principles are:

Clarity – Distinct letter pronunciation

  • Articulate each letter sound clear from the correct makhraj.

Precision – Accurately applying rules

  • Observe and apply all rules like ghunnah, ikhfa, idghaam, etc. exactly as needed.

Fluency – Reciting smoothly

  • Merge letters and transition between words smoothly using rules.

Melodicness – Applying the correct melody

  • Give each letter, and sound its right due to applying all rules in a melodious flowing manner.

Understanding these principles fuels learning tajweed correctly.

Can I Memorize the Quran Without Tajweed?

Memorizing the Quran without tajweed is incorrect and invalid. Tajweed is essential because:

  • It enables accurate recitation as taught by Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
  • It preserves the Quran from alterations ensuring purity
  • The melodious effect touches hearts deeply in worship
  • It distinguishes letters like raa and laam making meaning clear
  • Mistakes in rules change meanings therefore incorrect

While it takes effort, students must learn tajweed to correctly memorize and then recite the Quran lifelong.

Why is Tajweed So Hard?

For kids and adults new to tajweed, mastering rules can seem challenging at first because:

  • There are many rules to grasp like idghaam, ghunnah, noon sakinah etc.
  • Knowing rule linguistic definitions alone doesn’t help in the proper application.
  • Difficulty remembering situational application like when to do idghaam or iqlab etc.
  • Arabic articulation points feel unfamiliar e.g. guttural letters like qaf.
  • Takes much repetition and practice for the tongue to apply rules automatically.

However, with step-by-step learning, quality guidance, and consistent practice, tajweed gets easier over time.

What is Makhraj in Tajweed?

Makhraj refers to the point of articulation where a certain Arabic letter sound originates from in the throat and mouth. Key makharij kids need to first properly learn are:

Throat Sounds

  • Letter ain – from the middle of throat.
  • Letter ha – deep inner throat.
  • Letter khaa – Back of the throat.

Tongue Sounds

  • Letter laam – Tip of the tongue touches upper front teeth.
  • Letter raa – Tip of the tongue vibrates.
  • Letter sheen – The tip of the tongue touches the base of the front teeth.
  • A letter seen – The edge of the tongue near the tip touches the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth.

And to know more about Makharij register today and book your tajweed sessions at our affordable price.

In short, Learning exact articulation points is vital to pronouncing Arabic sounds accurately in tajweed.


Learning the proper application of all tajweed rules helps ensure accurate and beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran as taught by Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. With the devoted practice of rules guided by expert Quran teachers, even kids can steadily master tajweed and reflect on the glorious meanings of Allah’s words in their recitation by His will and mercy. This moves hearts, purifies souls, and elevates ranks with Allah Most High, through the blessing of properly reciting His Noble Book.


Qiratul Quran is An Online Quran Institute. we Offered to Learn Online Quran With Tajweed For Kids & Adults & Quran Memorization (Hifz e Quran) in UK & USA

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