What are some Quran verses on cheaters?
Some Quran Verses on Cheating say that Cheating and deception are major sins in Islam. The Quran and Hadiths strictly prohibit all forms of dishonesty, fraud, and deceit. Qiratul Quran will guide you about Islam places great emphasis on honesty, integrity, and upholding moral values in all aspects of life. This article analyzes what the Quran and Hadiths say about cheating and why it is completely forbidden in Islam.

Quranic Verses about Cheating and Deception
Several verses in the Quran directly address cheating, fraud, and deception as grave sins which incur severe punishment from Allah.
Prohibition of Cheating in Business Dealings

One of the major contexts where the Quran prohibits cheating is in business dealings and commercial transactions. Chapter 83 verses 1-3 states:
وَيْلٌۭ لِّلْمُطَفِّفِينَ ١ ٱلَّذِينَ إِذَا ٱكْتَالُوا۟ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ يَسْتَوْفُونَ ٢ وَإِذَا كَالُوهُمْ أَو وَّزَنُوهُمْ يُخْسِرُونَ
“Woe to those who give less [than due], who, when they take a measure from people, take in full. But if they give by measure or by weight to them, they cause loss. Do they not think that they will be resurrected?” (Quran 83:1-3)
This verse strongly condemns those who engage in fraud by giving less than the required amount when they are selling goods or services to others. Such dishonest dealers will face humiliation and punishment on the Day of Judgement for their cheating.
Chapter 6 verse 152 also prohibits reducing the rights of others in business:
وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا۟ مَالَ ٱلْيَتِيمِ إِلَّا بِٱلَّتِى هِىَ أَحْسَنُ حَتَّىٰ يَبْلُغَ أَشُدَّهُۥ ۖ وَأَوْفُوا۟ ٱلْكَيْلَ وَٱلْمِيزَانَ بِٱلْقِسْطِ ۖ لَا نُكَلِّفُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۖ وَإِذَا قُلْتُمْ فَٱعْدِلُوا۟ وَلَوْ كَانَ ذَا قُرْبَىٰ ۖ وَبِعَهْدِ ٱللَّهِ أَوْفُوا۟ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ وَصَّىٰكُم بِهِۦ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ
“And do not approach the property of an orphan, except in the way that is best, until he reaches maturity. And fulfill [every] commitment. Indeed, the commitment is ever [that about which one will be] questioned.” (Quran 6:152)
Likewise, Chapter 17 verse 35 states:
وَأَوْفُوا۟ ٱلْكَيْلَ إِذَا كِلْتُمْ وَزِنُوا۟ بِٱلْقِسْطَاسِ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ خَيْرٌۭ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلًۭا
“And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with an even balance. That is the best [way] and best in result.” (Quran 17:35)
These verses establish that cheating in any commercial dealings by giving less than due, through fraud or dishonesty, is a major sin in Islam.
Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption
The Quran also explicitly forbids giving or accepting bribes as a form of deception and corruption in society. Chapter 2 verse 188 commands:
وَلَا تَأْكُلُوٓا۟ أَمْوَٰلَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِٱلْبَـٰطِلِ وَتُدْلُوا۟ بِهَآ إِلَى ٱلْحُكَّامِ لِتَأْكُلُوا۟ فَرِيقًۭا مِّنْ أَمْوَٰلِ ٱلنَّاسِ بِٱلْإِثْمِ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
“And do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful].” (Quran 2:188)
Bribery and corruption can take many forms including giving gifts to influence decisions, payoffs for favors, nepotism in appointments, etc. The Quran makes it clear that any attempt to acquire wealth through sinful means of bribery or corruption is cheating and strictly forbidden.
Hadiths on Prohibition of Cheating and Fraud
The Hadiths or recorded traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) further reinforce Quranic injunctions against cheating, deception, and dishonesty. Some notable examples are:
- “Whoever deceives others, will be deceived by Allah (SWT)” (Bukhari)
- “He who deceives us shall not belong with us.” (Muslim)
- “The signs of a hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; and whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; and whenever he is entrusted, he betrays that trust.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
- “The cursed man is he who commits fraud.” (Ibn Majah)
These and many other Hadiths make it abundantly clear that any act of deception, breach of trust, lying, dishonesty, or fraud is totally prohibited and despised in Islam. Cheating in any form will incur the wrath and punishment of Allah (SWT).
Why Cheating is Haram in Islam
There are several reasons why Islam so vehemently condemns cheating, fraud, and deceit. Some of the major reasons are:
- Violation of Trust – Cheating betrays the trust that individuals and societies are built on. It destroys relationships and ruins the fairness and justice that Allah (SWT) intends.
- Injustice – Cheating leads to unfairness, exploitation, and corruption in society. The rights and dues of people are compromised through deceit and dishonesty.
- Spread of Evil – Cheating promotes sin and wrongdoing across society. When fraud and dishonesty take root, nobility, ethics, and moral values are ruined.
- Unfair Advantage – Those who cheat take undue advantage over honest and trusting people. The cheating and devious are rewarded while the innocent suffer loss and hardship.
- Hypocrisy – Cheating involves hypocrisy, deception, and two-facedness. A cheater presents themselves one way on the outside but acts deceitfully on the inside. Such nifaq (hypocrisy) is severely reprimanded in Islam.
The Quran and Hadiths make it clear that any kind of cheating, dishonesty, or deceitful behavior is haram (impermissible) in Islam. Muslims must avoid fraud in all forms – in business, relationships, appointments, documentation, or any other dealing between people. Fulfilling promises, dealing justly, and being completely truthful are key virtues that Islam urges all Muslims to uphold in their lives.
Which surah is about cheaters?
Surah Al-Mutaffifin – The Defrauders
Chapter 83 of the Quran is titled Surah Al-Mutaffifin (The Defrauders). This surah directly addresses those who cheat others through fraud, deception, and dishonest dealings.
Overview of Main Themes
The main themes covered in this surah include:
Description of Those Who Give Less Than Due
Verses 1-3 describe the evil nature of those who cheat people by giving them less than their rightful due when weighing or measuring goods to sell. This form of fraud is condemned as a grave sin.
Allah’s Warning and Threat of Punishment
Verses 4-6 warn that such cheaters will face humiliation and suffering on the Day of Judgement for their dishonesty and deceitful actions in worldly life.
Contrast With Honest and Virtuous People

Verses 7-17 contrast cheaters with righteous believers who are honest, keep their promises and give full measure when weighing or measuring. Their virtue will earn Allah’s pleasure and bountiful reward.
Criminality of Fraudsters
Verses 18-28 scrutinize the criminal mentality of cheaters who greedily defraud others but ignore that an account will be taken from their deeds on Judgement Day. Their ill-gotten worldly gains will ultimately doom them.
Glad Tidings for the Righteous
The surah ends on a positive note, with verses 29-36 addressing the sincere and righteous believers who avoid fraud. Allah gives them the glad tidings of eternal gardens of bliss as their splendid reward.
Surah Al-Mutaffifin powerfully establishes cheating, fraud, and deceit as grave sins that bring Allah’s displeasure and punishment. This surah is a stark warning to avoid dishonest dealings.
Summary of Quran Verses on Cheating
The Quran and Hadith set strict standards for honesty, integrity, and moral conduct in all aspects of life. Cheating, fraud, and deceit are considered major sins that warrant severe punishment from Allah (SWT). Muslims must follow the principles of truthfulness, justice, and trustworthiness laid down in Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise…” (Bukhari). By avoiding all forms of cheating and deception, Muslims can live up to the lofty ethical ideals and values at the heart of the Islamic way of life.