Learning proper Tajweed (rules of reciting the Quran) is essential for all Muslims. In Qiratul Quran Through an intensive Tajweed course, students can quickly learn the rules and methods to properly recite the Holy Quran with accuracy and precision in a short period.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Tajweed?
The time it takes to learn Tajweed rules depends greatly on the student’s prior knowledge and commitment level. For beginners with no background in Arabic or Quranic recitation. Learning the fundamental Tajweed rules can take around 3 months of consistent study. To master the subject to an advanced level can take 1-2 years.
With focused effort in an Online intensive Tajweed course, here is a rough timeline:
- 1 month to learn the basic rules of Tajweed.
- 3 months to be able to properly recite the Quran with minimal mistakes.
- 6 months to master the subject to an intermediate level.
- 1+ years to attain advanced expertise in Tajweed.
The pace of learning can be accelerated through one-on-one sessions with a qualified Tajweed teacher in an intensive format. Getting feedback and guidance from an expert allows faster progress and correction of mistakes.
How to Learn Tajweed Easily
Here are some tips to learn Tajweed quickly and easily:
Find a Qualified Teacher
Learning from an experienced Tajweed teacher is vital, especially as a beginner. A competent teacher will be able to accurately identify your mistakes and provide guidance at each step.
Focus on Small Portions
Only take small surahs or a few ayahs at one time. Master the rules on a small portion first before moving forward.
Set Goals to Complete the Quran
Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals on the number of ajza (parts) of the Quran you want to complete. Goals provide motivation and a systematic plan.
Listen and Mimic Recordings
Listen to recordings of proficient Tajweed reciters multiple times. Try to carefully mimic their style of recitation. This trains the mouth and tongue muscles.
Always Review
Consistently review all rules learned to retain maximum information in long-term memory. Understanding is strengthened through repetition.
Why is Tajweed so Hard?
There are several reasons why many Muslims find the subject of Tajweed difficult:
Unfamiliar Rules
The various pronunciation and articulation rules related to Makharij (pronunciation), Sifaat (attributes), Waqf (stopping rules) as well as the rules of Noon Sakinah, Meem Sakinah, Rules of Lam Sakinah, etc. are unfamiliar to non-Arabic speakers. Staying consistent with these rules while reciting requires tremendous effort initially.
Training the Tongue
Correct Tajweed involves accurately pronouncing each letter from its articulation point and applying rules of the throat, tongue, lips, and areas of the mouth. For those who did not learn the Arabic language as children, training the tongue is difficult.
Breaking Habits
For non-Arabs, incorrect Quranic pronunciation gets ingrained over years of reading. It becomes extremely tough to break these long-formed habits.
Lack of Fluency
Understanding Arabic grammar, morphology, and sentence structure is important to recite melodiously while connecting letters and words. Fluent recitation becomes difficult without this knowledge.
What are the 2 Rules of Tajweed?
The two fundamental rules of Tajweed that form its basis are:
- Isti’aanah: Refers to seeking aid and support from Allah before commencing the recitation of the Holy Quran. Reciters must recite A’oozu Billaahi Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil) followed by Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem (In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful). This is crucial to seek Allah’s protection from Satan before the act of reciting His Words.
- Istiqaamatul Lissaan: This means straightening or leveling the tongue to pronounce every letter sound clearly from its articulation point without any distortion or substitution. The tongue must maintain firmness and straightness during recitation to avoid errors.
What are the 4 Rules of Tajweed?
The four essential rules of Tajweed are:
- Idghaam – Merging or joining letters under certain rules. Idghaam helps in the smooth recitation of letters within words.
- Ikhfaa – Concealing designated letters that have ‘no’ or ‘n’ sounds. There are strict rules regarding the Ikhfaa of noon and meem Saakinah letters.
- Izhaar – This refers to the clear pronouncing of letters that are written with no vowels. There should be no merging, concealing, or changing of these letters from their articulation points.
- Iqlaab – Changing the vowelized ‘noon’ or ‘meem’ into a ‘meem’ or ‘noon’ respectively when followed by the letter ‘baa’. There are detailed regulations around which letters undergo Iqlaab.
These four rules provide the early framework to build upon for novice students. With their correct application, recitation accuracy significantly improves.
What is the First Rule of Tajweed?
The first and primary concept in Tajweed that students must learn is the rule of Makharij al-Huruf or Places of Articulation of Letters.
Makharij refers to the specific points in the mouth or throat where each letter originates from. There are 17 Places of Articulation from which Arabic letters are emitted:
- Jauf (hollow of the mouth)
- Halq (throat)
- Lisaan (tongue)
- Shafataan (lips)
- Khaishiyaan (posterior pharynx region) etc.
The accurate pronunciation of letters from their rightful Makhraj is THE crucial Tajweed rule. It sets the stage for correct recitation of the Quran. Common mistakes are avoided when each letter is emitted perfectly.
Thus, the science of Places of Articulation (Makharij al-Huruf) forms the integral introductory rule of Tajweed that builds the foundation for what students will continue learning in the course.
Can I Memorize the Quran without Tajweed?
While it is certainly possible to memorize the Holy Quran without proper Tajweed rules. Therefore, doing so is incorrect from an Islamic law perspective and renders the Quran memorization deficient.
Hafs narrates from Asim Al-Jahdali that was asked, “Is it possible to recite the Qur’an beautifully without knowledge of the Arabic language?” Asim responded: “It is not possible to recite the Qur’an beautifully except with knowledge of the Arabic tongue.” (Jami’ al-Ulum wal-Hikam)
Further, Ibn Al-Jazari asserts: “It is prohibited to recite the Qur’an without mastering the rules of Tajweed and mastering the Arabic language.”
Thus, scholars unanimously agree that memorizing the Book of Allah without following Tajweed rules properly as part of an authentic tradition is unacceptable.
Is Tajweed Compulsory in Islam?
There are several Prophetic narrations (ahadith) and scholarly religious edicts indicating that applying Tajweed rules IS indeed obligatory while reciting the Holy Quran:
- Uthmaan bin Affaan reported that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Bukhari)
- Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said about reciting the Quran: “Beautify it with your voices.” – implying reciting with Tajweed embellishment.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “Whoever recites the Quran and does Tajweed therein, it will make him known on the Day of Judgment as one with an honorable position.” (Tabari)
Thus, according to the mainstream Sunni creed, reciting the Quran and observing the rules of Tajweed is mandatory (wajib) upon each Muslim to the best of one’s ability. Choosing not to do so is prohibited.
Did the Prophet Use Tajweed?
There is a common misconception that Tajweed rules were invented later and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) himself did not use these methods to recite the Quran during his blessed lifetime. This is incorrect – the foundations of Tajweed stem from the direct teachings of the Prophet (S).
Consider the following references affirming this:
Ali ibn Abi Talib said about Rasoolullah’s recitation: “…when he read (the Quran), he would read it with Tarteel (in a delightful/rhythmic tone). He would pause at its marvels, soften at its solaces, be moved by its wonders to gain deeper understanding.” (Sifatus-Safwah)
Is Tajweed Mandatory in Salah?
Applying the rules of Tajweed is mandatory (wajib) during the recitation of Surah Fatiha and other Surahs in the formal Islamic Prayer (Salah).
The Prophet (S) emphasized excellence in reciting Surah Fatiha according to several narrations:
- Hadrat Umm Salamah relates that the Prophet (S) said: “You will be asked in your grave about your Salah. If you perform it completely it will benefit you, otherwise, it will be a loss. And the first thing Munkar and Nakeer will ask will be about your Fatiha (recitation). So learn Tajweed and recite it beautifully.”
Scholars explain that the beauty of recitation referenced here includes proper Tajweed as understood by Companions and early generations.
Thus, according to Shariah, Muslims must apply known rules of Makharij, Sifaat, and other concepts when reciting the Opening Chapter (Al Fatiha) as well as subsequent surahs during daily ritual prayers. Doing so adds spiritual reward, while not doing so renders the prayer deficient in completeness.
Is it Mandatory to Learn Tajweed?
Based on Quranic verses ordering the Muslim community to recite the Holy Book with clarity (73:3) using Tarteel (measured style/rhythm), the majority Sunni scholarly opinion categorizes learning Tajweed under Fardh al-Kifayah.
This means it is a collective duty upon Muslims as a community until enough members exist as qualified Tajweed teachers to cater to the rest. After this sufficiency is completed in a locale, the obligation transfers to Fardh al-Ayn whereby every individual Muslim must learn Tajweed to fulfill a personal duty.
What Did the Prophet Say About Tajweed?
Some beautiful narrations are recording the words of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) emphasizing the blessedness of reciting the Holy Quran using an intensive Tajweed course:
- Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W) as saying: “The one who is most versed in Allah’s Book should lead the people in prayer; if they are equally versed, then the one who knows the Sunnah most; if they are equally versed in the Sunnah, then the earliest one to emigrate.”
This hadith establishes that the best Muslim to lead others in Salah is one with the greatest understanding of the Quran as well as knowledge of Prophetic tradition including Tajweed rules.
- Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) also proclaimed: “Embellish the Quran with your voices.” – indicating followers should beautify the recitation using known embellishments (Tajweed rules).
Thus, Sayyidina Rasoolullah (S.A.W) provided critical guidance on why Muslims must learn and apply Tajweed when reciting Allah’s Words. Doing so leads to greater accuracy, beauty, and blessings in life.
What are the Benefits of Tajweed?
Some spiritual and worldly blessings attained by properly applying Tajweed rules include:
Increased Khushu’ (concentration): Observing intricate Tajweed rules prevents mindless reciting. One becomes more engaged and focused on the Quran’s message.
Earning Divine Love & Reward: Correct recitation of the Holy Book as intended pleases Allah and earns tremendous, unquantifiable spiritual reward.
Confidence & Knowledge: Tajweed mastery reflects advanced Quranic knowledge bringing a profound self-confidence.
Quran Instruction: Those with excellence in Tajweed are best suited to be instructors of the Glorious Quran at institutes. An honorable teaching status is attained.
Tranquility & Healing: The melody and rhythm of reciting with Tajweed has a beautifully soothing impact on one’s heart and mind. Therefore, this is the only way to read the Quran with Maqamat.
Indeed, as the Prophet (S) proclaimed: “The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” – thus great worldly and eternal blessings await those who pursue Tajweed seriously.
What is the Goal of Tajweed?
The ultimate goal or objective behind the science of Tajweed that governs Quranic recitation is to preserve the Holy Book in its pristine format exactly as it was conveyed by Angel Jibreel (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (S..A.W) over 1400+ years ago.
By meticulously applying revealed rules of correct pronunciation and combinations during recitation, the integral step of preserving Quranic pronunciation has been systemically maintained across generations.
Without this critical framework of the intensive Tajweed course that ensures every letter and word is recited accurately as intended, minor errors would have crept into the recitation of the Quran over the passage of extended time leading to disastrous consequences in protecting scriptural integrity.
Indeed, the science of the intensive Tajweed course serves as a safeguarding pillar that enables all people across eras to continue accessing the eternal words of the Creator in the original format for guidance, healing, and blessings.
The proper application of an intensive Tajweed course according to centuries-preserved rules is key to an accurate and beautified recitation of Allah’s Glorious Words. Through an intensive course, the methodology of Quranic recitation can be rapidly learned under an expert teacher’s tutelage.
Although mastering the intensive Tajweed course remains enormously challenging for non-Arabic speakers considering unfamiliar rules and difficulty training vocal cords, the spiritual and worldly blessings awaiting those who persevere are immense and unlimited.
The duty upon Muslims in the era we live in now is two-fold: First, collectively foster an unbroken chain of qualified Tajweed teachers who can disseminate this knowledge to coming generations.
Second, on an individual level, each Muslim must commit to properly learning, respecting, and applying the rules of melodious Quranic recitation as a path to Divine and eternal success.
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